Saturday, March 19, 2011

Next To The Last "Wind Talker" Dies

The Navaho Code Talkers, an elite group of Marines in WWII, were feactured in the Nicholas Cage movie " Wind Talkers". Lloyd Oliver was one of the Original 29 and helped develop the Code language. In his later years he was an expert jewelry maker.

CAMP VERDE, Ariz. (March 19, 2011)—Funeral services are Saturday on Arizona's Gila River reservation for Lloyd Oliver, a member of the elite group of Marines that developed a code based on their native language during World War II.
Oliver's death Wednesday means only one of the original 29 Navajo Code Talkers is still living.
Click here to find out more!
Oliver's wife says he was 88, but military records put his age as 87.
Oliver's nephew, Lawrence, says his uncle died at a hospice center in the Phoenix suburb of Avondale, where he had been staying for about three weeks.
Hundreds of Navajos followed in the footsteps of the original 29, sending thousands of messages without error on Japanese troop movements, battlefield tactics and other communications critical to the war's ultimate outcome.

Chester Nez, pictured below, is the sole surviving member of the Original 29 Code Talkers.

1 comment:

  1. I do hope (against all hope) that this is One funeral that Westboro will leave alone. What a legacy this man leaves. Going to our shrine to light a candle for this amazing individual and the invaluable service he gave his country. Blessings everyone.
