Monday, May 30, 2011

Counter-Protesters at Arlington Shout Down WBC

Members of Westboro Baptist Church were challenged by an off shoot branch of the KKK at Arlington National Cemetery during Memorial Day ceremonies.  There was a group of nearly 70 counter-protesters nearby-and only 3 from WBC.

Some of the counter-protesters, including Malaika Elias, stood in front of the Westboro participants in an attempt to block them from street view.

"I think they're twisted and confused, and we're just here to show them there are people who think they're completely wrong," Elias said.

Many passersby shouted their thanks to the counter-protesters as they entered the cemetery on foot and in vehicles.

Abigale Phelps was quoted in the CNN article which I've provided a link to that "The Bible doesn't say anywhere that it's an abomination to be born of a certain gender or race."

Exactly. So WHY is Westboro basing all of their rhetoric on being anti-gay ? Maybe it was a Freudian slip on her part, but didn't Ms. Phelps just shoot a rather large hole in her father's argument?

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