Welcoming is a continual process. Wall of Peace is a welcoming community. Composed of many political ideologies and faith traditions we gather for a single purpose: to rally around those being targeted by the hate-spewing, placard waving grandstanding of the infamous Westboro Baptist Church.
We are not all Christians- many of us profess no religious or political affliction at all. Some of us consider ourselves spiritual and the definition of that is up to the individual;others will say they are patriotic. Yet from time to time you are going to hear someone extolling the goodness of the God of their understanding (who may not be a mainstream deity) and that is fine by us here at Wall of Peace because we are not confined by labels.We quote from the Bible and many other sacred texts because we are not limited by the familiar and the comfortable. Praise Jesus but don't be upset if someone puts in a wyrd for Odin. It's just how we roll around here.Our hearts and minds can expand to encompass diversity- we are a community of tolerance and discernment (examination)- so much so that we can even find it theoretically possible to feel compassion toward those whom which we disagree...including WBC.
Yes, that's an outrageous concept, but not unheard of... we are bigger than our collective prejudices, we are wiser and stronger than ignorance and the weakness of negative speak. That doesn't mean that I can't say that I think Shirley-Phelps Roper is a dumb bitch if that says it all for me, but it does mean that I'm going to try to find another avenue to express my gut reaction beyond just giving in to being crude about it.( And yes, I think she is one on that reptilian level of my reaction to her personality, and this one of the reasons we're on Blogger now instead of Facebook. Things can be framed in the form of personal expression here that could not be said in a public forum page.) I am not encouraging people to crude, base or rude. Our common language has gotten ugly, but ugly is now a part of the lexicon in use and cannot be denied. So if you 'accidentally let one slip' because you're aggravated or frustrated, we're all just going to smile and nod and move on unless it becomes truly obscene or slanderous.
We are not limited by political ideology or faith tradition, because we are a community founded on belief. We believe in the goodness and compassion of everyday people to do what is known to be right and we also know that what we believe to be right doesn't always happen because being right and being just are two different things...but we continue to believe in our hearts, we continue to share the knowledge that our fore-bearers and founding fathers knew...that as flawed as it is, our imperfect Union works through the Constitution. I look at America, well aware of the pro and cons, and the pros still make it the country I most want to stand up for in the arena of human rights and dignity.It is the country I believe is most just in the treatment of it's citizens compared to the rest of the world.It is certainly the country that allows those citizens the most freedoms which have been hard won through the personal sacrifice of our military and others willing to die because of their belief in us.
We've found a reliable source to provide us with the genuine WBC protest schedule, and as soon as they give us the updates, we'll provide them to you so that together we can get on with the great work that continues as a we build a Wall of Peace.
Peace and Grace to You,
Well said, Kate.
ReplyDeleteAwesome blog Kate!
ReplyDeleteBlessings for your day!!!
thank you for everything,
Thank you for doing this, I needed to know there was some way to diminish the violence. Glad to support.
ReplyDeleteMy thoughts are with everyone with the Wall of Peace! Thank you for what you are doing!