Thursday, April 21, 2011

Artist Creates Painting of WBC Leaders to Benefit Charities

Artist Scott LoBaidohas created a satirical painting of Fred Phelps and his daughter Shirley Phelps-Roper, which he's hoping to auction off on eBay to benefit Homes for Heroes -- an organization that helps veterans find housing -- and Community Health Action of Staten Island. He parked his truck across the street from Westboro Baptist Church's main building in Kansas and blasted them with Lady Gaga's music. I doubt they were amused. For his efforts, he was cited for playing loud music and being too close to their property....ahem, excuse me? Want to run that one by us again?

If you're familiar with his work, you might be interested in bidding. There's a photo of the painting with the story. I didn't post a photo of the painting because it may be offensive to some of our readers-it is a bit on the mean-spirited side. On the other hand......


The link to the story is below.

1 comment:

  1. I cannot believe anyone would get a ticket being close or lound near Phelps. There's something pretty backwards about that. *sigh*

    Blessings to the artist who works and donates his time and talent for support towards Homes for Heros!

    thank you to all who help with Wall of Peace!
